Obtaining a government grant is a great way to help finance your business. However, most grants in Taiwan are available for established businesses only.
The following links are the government appplication documents for the various grants and programs (in Chinese only): SBIR / ASSTD / HR / TTQS.
The SBIR program is a highly competitive three-phase award system which encourages SMEs to undertake industrial technology research and expand private investment in research and development. It aims to improve SMEs’ international competitiveness.
The eligibilities are as follows;
– A Small Medium Enterprise (SME) established under ROC Company Law
– A SME is defined as a: for-profit manufacturing business with fewer than 200
employees, with capital less than NTD 80 millions or a for-profit Service business with fewer than 50 employees, with capital less than NTD 100 millions. No record of tax evasion. No record of termination of government-related projects in the past 5 years.
ASSTD (Assist Service Sector Technology Development) is run by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, with the aims of enhancing commercial competitive strength and promoting commercial development.
The eligibilities are as followings;
– Established under the ROC company law in Taiwan.
– Business activities in the wholesale and retail, trading service, transport & logistics, commerce, E-commerce, advertisement, exhibition, promotion convention/trade shows, hospitality, management service, consultants and service providers, franchise business and related service.
The purpose of this grant is first, to encourage businesses to create a competitive advantages and develop new technologies. And secondly, to encourage something “NEW” (a new industry or something new within your industry). They want to see you innovate and move promote your industry.
Notes on application;
1) Application download: http://gcis.nat.gov.tw/neo-s
2) In principal, each company can apply for one project every year.
3) Each application has to be completed within no more than 2 years.
4) Need to assign an accountant (part-time/full-time) for this project.
5) During the execution, they will review every month.
6) Once the project is closed, they will still follow up and expect to show the result to the public for the next 2 years.
3. HR
HR is run by the Council of Labor Affairs to establish a vocational rehabilitation system to give various groups of people employment opportunities. For the first 3 months, a subsidy of NTD17,280/person will be paid. Thereafter until the 12th month, a subsidy of NTD10,000/person will be paid. For details, please refer to the following website (Chinese only): http://file.ejob.gov.tw/2009_specially/2009_sea/index.html
TTQS is also run by the Council of Labor Affairs, to help companies upgrade their HR program, nurture employees who are willing to learn, and integrate and utilize training resources of government, enterprises, schools and civil associations. The goals of this programme are to upgrade the quality and performance of vocational trainings.
For individual enterprises, 40%-50% of the relevant total training expenses will be subsidised, to a maximum of NTD$0.95 million. In case of multiple enterprises, 40% of the relevant total training expenses will be subsidised, to a maximum of NTD$1.9 million. [Eligible subjects: 15-65 years old, with employment insurance, employed by the company]
This training courses can offer…
– R&D and innovation learnings,
– IT and technology skills enhancement,
– Operation system, professional, and certified trainings, or,
– Management, language, and work environment safety trainings.
More detailed information is available from the following lecture: NxLeveL Business Planning for Entrepreneurs.