Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
The answer is yes and no. The reason why the answer is rather ambivalent is that on one hand, Taiwanese government very much encourages people to start their own businesses, and its attitude toward SMEs is supportive. However, you might sometimes find that regulations...
Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
I would say yes, it is relatively safe to start your own business in Taiwan. You can own 100% of your business/company, and Taiwan’s business environment is rather stable and safe. However, the banking system in Taiwan often asks for gaurantors when doing...
Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
The answer is a definite yes. We did an interview with Revital Golan, a successful businesswoman whose consulting firm helps Israeli companies to find opportunities in Taiwan, and she could not stress more of Taiwan’s geographical and strategic position in terms...
Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
More importantly and perhaps most appealingly, Taiwan can be a diving board to China’s 1.3 billion people. To look into more detailed and comprehensive information, please visit An Overview of Taiwan: Business Advantages.
Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
I would say regulations, grey areas, and language are the three main challenges. First, being unfamiliar with regulations might get you into trouble, such as fines. In addition, some regulations still limit certain rights that a foreigner can have. Yet, this situation...
Feb 21, 2012 | Why Taiwan
Put simply, Taiwan is an attractive place to live, it possesses an open business environment and entrepreneurial spirit, it is conveniently located, and there are various incentives to foreigners intending to start a business on the Island (for instance, foreigners...