Apr 1, 2019 | Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs
In lieu of an easy way towards Taiwanese citizenship, the APRC is the next best thing. Many foreigners who have received their Alien Permanent Resident Card describe the feeling as cathartic, a moment of great relief. At the time they get it they have lived in Taiwan...
May 7, 2012 | Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs
Can I employee foreign interns in Taiwan? What are the visa requirements to enable foreign interns to intern at my company, and how long can they intern?
Mar 4, 2012 | Foreign Entrepreneurs
Some foreign entrepreneur-related groups or associations include: Business Networking International: A group that meets at 6.30am once a week to exchange business cards and network. There are 7 chapters located throughout Taipei. Visit http://www.bni.com.tw/. France...