Apr 10, 2012 | Office Issues
Furniture stores and more. 1. IKEA The easiest way to buy furniture in Taiwan. Address: Taipei City 敦北店 B1, No.100, Tun Hwa N. Road, Taipei. Tel: (02) 2716-8900 {mosmap...
Mar 4, 2012 | Office Issues
Many foreign entrepreneurs will find it easiest to visit IKEA, where you can pick what you want without hassle and without having to speak Chinese. You choose what you need, and they will arrange the delivery. But many believe that the quality of their furniture...
Mar 4, 2012 | Office Issues
You can find used furniture on Xiamen Jie (廈門街), a street that is under Jung-Jun bridge, that links Yong-Ho with Taipei City, located at the Ho-Ping West Road and Tsong Ching-South road intersection area. You can also find kitchen equipment, both used and new....
Feb 2, 2012 | Office Issues
How to find an office in Taiwan… The location or size of office would vary with your business such as international trade company or restaurant. You can inquire more professional advices through Taiwan local real estate offices. Contact with these local offices...