May 29, 2020 | Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs, 中文文章
若您是想要探索新市場的港澳商務人士,讓我們告訴您如何申辦合適的台灣簽證,讓您能在優質的商業環境大展鴻圖。 香港及澳門居民特別條件 香港及澳門因與台灣有特殊關係,持有英國國民海外護照、澳門特別行政區護照及香港特別行政區護照的香港及澳門永久居民,申請台灣簽證(以及簽證/投資移民機會)與其它國家/地區護照持有者的條件略有不同。 入境台灣的香港及澳門旅客 如果您是於香港或澳門具有永久居留身分之中國或英國海外國民,主要可透過兩種方式申請入境台灣簽證: 抵達台灣境內機場時,繳交新臺幣 $300 元 (約 $10 美元)...
Jun 6, 2017 | Blog, Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs
by Cat Thomas The Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) offers some excellent advantages for entrepreneurs who are considering setting up their own business in Taiwan. Gone are the restrictive minimum salary requirements, required capital and turnover by the...
Apr 9, 2013 | Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs
Looking for a job or an internship in Taiwan? Or looking for employees or interns (foreign or local Taiwanese) in Taiwan? There are plenty of challenges foreigners face in Taiwan when it comes to employment. This practical Employment Guide for Foreigners is an...
Feb 14, 2012 | Work Permits, Visas, and ARCs
This section provides a list of local branch offices of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, as well as branch addresses and contact details.