Date: March 26th

Location: Hotel One, Taichung City

The American Chamber of Commerce in Taichung (AmCham Taichung) hosted its March Dinner Meeting. The author of “How to Start a Business in Taiwan”, Elias Ek, serial entrepreneur, and co-founder and CEO of Enspyre, Taiwan’s leading B2B telemarketing company and winner of the 2012 CCIFT SME Innovation & Entrepreneurship Award, as the keynote speaker!

A crowd of around 40 interesting and friendly people, mostly long-term residents of Taichung, gathered at Hotel One, Taichung’s first international 5-star hotel, to enjoy a delicious dinner and hear Elias’ speech. Many of the attendees came especially to hear the speech, having seen the adverisement in the local chapter of the Compass magazine. Some of the attendees were experienced business people or corporate representatives, regularly attendees at AmCham Taichung’s events. Others had only recently started a business or were interested in starting a business, and wanted to hear advice from the horses mouth! The event was a great success. It prompted a lot of discussion amongst the attendees, and hopefully inspired some to take the step to starting their own business! Thank you to AmCham Taichung and Doug Habecker, board member of AmCham Taichung and co-publisher and editor-in-chief of the Compass Magazine Group, for inviting Elias to speak and organising such a great event.

Ek’s book is aimed at foreigners intending to start a business in Taiwan. It provides invaluable and comprehensive information on all aspects starting a business in Taiwan, step-by-step «how to» instructions and guidelines, and a showcase of prominent and successful foreign entrepreneurs in Taiwan.

His presentation on starting a business in Taiwan included information that even experienced entrepreneurs may not have considered: Types of business entities under which you can conduct your business in Taiwan, company responsibilities and liabilities, networking and marketing, staffing and attracting employees, financing your business (which poses special challenges for foreign entrepreneurs in Taiwan), and government grants.