Online videos, particularly YouTube videos, are an integral part our day-to-day experience in using the Internet, and a cornerstone of many online marketing strategies.

Darren Roberts, the founder of MangoPublic and a British entrepreneur living in Taiwan, is an expert when it comes to optimising YouTube videos for SEO and marketing purposes.

The first point of call is optimising the title, the tags, and the transcription of the YouTube video: Your “on-page SEO”. These are all important factors in optimisation. For instance, the keywords you want to focus on should be present in the title of the video. A good transcription is particularly important, as the transcription is indexed by YouTube / Google. YouTube’s automatic transcription is oftentimes quite poor.

Channel authority is the next point of call. Developing channel authority depends upon several factors, including number of videos, number of views, attention (ie. Do the viewers watch the video the whole way through?), social shares, likes, comments, video responses, and embedding on websites, among various other factors.

We highly recommend you contact Darren of MangoPublic for all your YouTube optimisation and online marketing needs: From SEO, to ROI optimisation, conversion optimisation, and adwords management.

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