How can I get a work permit to reside and manage my business in Taiwan? This will depend upon the business structure you have decided upon. For instance, if you choose to register a Limited Liability Company in Taiwan, you must first apply for foreign investment approval, remit the relevant amount of capital, and obtain verification and approval of the capital investment.
You must then register your company. Finally, you must obtain a business licence from the local authorities. It is only at this stage that you can apply to the Council of Labour Affairs for your work permit. The procedures will be slightly different for registering a Branch Office or Representative Office in Taiwan.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, please refer to the “Business Registration Processes” subsection of Chapter 5: “Process of Setting up a Business in Taiwan” of the Book.
You may wish to hire an accountant to assist you with the company registration process and/or a consultant to assist you with the work permit and resident visa application process. Please refer to the Partner section of our website for a list of the organisations we have previously worked with and who are friendly to foreign businesses.