Leigh Tsai 蔡家薇 National Taiwan University; Business Administration
As an ambitious marketing specialist, Leigh joined Enspyre as her first internship to learn about practical internet marketing. Later, Leigh joined PChome, one of the biggest communication and internet service companies in Taiwan, as a creative marketing intern. In 2012, she started a business named NTU e-Market with a few friends. NTU e-Market is a platform serving as an online flea-market within National Taiwan University, and the business is growing promisingly today.
As a business student, Leigh is very grateful for the opportunities provided by Enspyre. Elias, as a mentor and a partner, had given broadened her vision. As one of the writers of How to Start a Business in Taiwan, Leigh hopes that the Bookwill be helpful for readers who are interested in Taiwan’s market, and she is eager to help more people as an innovative marketing professional in future.