Building the future of Mobile applications in Taiwan

Laurent Renard, French co-founder of Toro Ltd., one of the world’s leader of mobile payment platform applications, about is choice to establish in Taiwan. 


Quote about starting a business in Taiwan

“It’s the hardest thing I have done in my life”

“I think for Asia it is the right choice and we will see it in the upcoming 12 to 18 months that Taiwan was the right bid.”

“When you start a business you see everything easy and fantastic but then you face the reality, it’s not easy and it’s not fantastic.”

“Taiwan is a fantastic tech country, but it’s all about hardware, the culture around here is building hardware.”


2012: Adviser for the French National Committee of Foreign Trade

2010-2013: Vice Chairman of the France Taiwan Chamber of Commerce (CCIFT)

2007- : Co-Founder and CEO of TORO Ltd.

2007: Founder of Mobile Monday in Taipei

1998-2007: Consultant for telecommunication business services companies

Advanced Master in a French Engineering School (Ecole Centrale Paris)

Master in Management in a French Business School (EM Strasbourg)